Applications are being accepted for the second beta test of Kards Mobile

Kards Mobile is preparing for the second ZBT on iOS and Android. Applications are now being accepted.

Kards Mobile is a cross-platform project that offers serious card battles in a World War II format. On the official website you can sign up for the next beta test, applications for the first are closed. That said, “Beta 1” participants will automatically qualify for the next round. Interestingly, the amount of RAM is now reduced to 2 GB, which means that the developers have optimized.

There are several types of cards available to players in Kards Mobile: infantry, tanks, artillery, and planes. For victories you will be promoted in ranks, from private to field marshal. By the way, all the cards are beautifully illustrated and fit the theme of each front, be it Western or Eastern. For example, the “Battle for Moscow” card looks like it was copied from Soviet posters of that time.

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