Battlefield Mobile alpha test has begun

Electronic Arts has launched the Battlefield Mobile alpha test in select countries. In it you can ride a tank, destroy the terrain and even buildings.

Battlefield Mobile has finally arrived in Asia, only in alpha test mode. This is a full-fledged shooter from EA, where you can not only move on your feet, but also get into the tank. On it, by the way, you can destroy road signs and even buildings. The main of the modes is control of points and battles of squads, which consist of four people.

If we talk about the graphics, then on the minimum salaries the picture looks grainy, and outwardly the project resembles Battlefield 3. By the way, before appearing on the map, you choose the landing point, as well as one of the classes, among which there is an attack aircraft and a medic. The map is small, and the tank explodes from one RPG shell. If you want to customize the class for yourself, that is, body kits and passives.

In terms of participating in the Battlefield Mobile alpha test, only Android gamers are eligible to participate. If you applied, this does not mean that you will receive an invitation, you may have to wait. Well, if you don’t want to wait, then download the APK on our website.

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