Grimlight anime game is open for pre-registration

The Grimlight project should get a global version. This is hinted at by the presence of English voice-over in the Asian version.

Grimlight is an anime game, which is to be released on iOS and Android. You can pre-register through TapTap, Google Play and the App Store. No release date yet, but there was a ZBT in Korea about a month ago for both mobile platforms. Gameplay-wise, we assemble a team of rare heroes and watch them fight enemy knights on their own. The story is broken up into missions, and there can be a maximum of 10 heroes in a team.

Grimlight is already praised for its excellent anime drawing, English-language story, and symphonic soundtrack. Your task is to choose such heroes in the squad that will finish off the enemy by elements and level of pumping. Of course, the developers didn’t forget about equipment and items varying in rarity; orange and purple are the best. Speaking of the release date, Grimlight may be released on June 30th; that number is listed on the App Store.

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