Grove Street Returns: Koreans Leaked Grand Theft Auto Trilogy

The Korean Video Game Committee “accidentally” leaked Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition to the Web. If earlier we could only talk about rumors from gaming magazines, now it is at the level of the state structure of South Korea.

Take-Two could bring a remaster of the GTA trilogy to smartphones. Then, as now, the publisher did not divulge information or comment. The Korean video game ratings committee leaked Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition.

Grove Street Returns Koreans Leaked Grand Theft Auto Trilogy

So far, we know that today, September 30th, the trilogy received a rating of “Young people are not allowed”, which in local realities roughly means “19+”. Just in August, Take-Two said that he was working on a re-release of “three released titles.” Some foreign publications report that San Andreas, Vice City and GTA III are doing on the Unreal Engine, although Rockstar Games will mix old and new graphics, leaving the classic interface.

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