Hurry up and apply for the beta test of Arena Breakout, the best mobile shooter

Tencent Mobile will test for Arena Breakout. There are a few days left to sign up.

Arena Breakout is a top shooter for smartphones that will once again enter the PTA stage in China. Applications will be accepted until April 13th, and testing itself will begin on April 20th; this date may change. By the way, if you have already taken part in the Arena Breakout beta tests, then the invitation will come automatically through Chinese social networks, QQ or WeChat.


I am glad that this time access will be for gamers on both Android and iOS; for gamers from the App Store country, you need to download the TestFlight program in advance, it is through it that the Arena Breakout client is installed. For both platforms, the recording is available at the link.

By the way, all data will be deleted after the PTA. As for the gameplay, a significant minus is donated safes for storing loot, and they are limited in time. Thus, you will have to choose between the necessary and unnecessary items. One way or another, subscribe to the game and wait for the file with installation instructions.

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