Monster Survivors Takes Inspiration from Brawl Stars

Monster Survivors is a mobile bagel available on Android in the UK; this is a trial run. Players will have to manually pass scary levels, probably in Transylvania. By the name, you might think that this is another alternative to Vampire Survivors, but no — players will fight not only with each other, but also with hundreds of monsters. They will have to defend forests and other locations from creatures to get powerful artifacts and choose 1 of random buffs.

To win Monster Survivors, players will need to get as many souls as possible and become stronger. In this regard, plus in terms of graphics and interface, this project is more like Brawl Stars. For the victory, gamers will pump a combat pass, discovering new heroes and earning coins of different rarity.

Note that the gameplay in Monster Survivors is divided into seasons, plus for the coolest prizes you need to buy a premium combat pass. And so that players don’t get bored, the developers have added daily missions.

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