Started OBT MMORPG Martial Sword in Thailand

Martial Sword is a mobile MMORPG with an isometric camera that appeared on iOS and Android in Southeast Asia. OBT is currently underway, so everyone can take part. On the other hand, is it worth it? In it, the screen is full of burning and flickering buttons, and the graphics are clearly worse than the same Lineage W. Also, judging by the trailers and gameplay records, the project is completely in the local dialect, that is, there is not even English localization; the same information is confirmed by the App Store.

Battles in Martial Sword take place in auto-mode, and quests are made in the plan “destroy a certain number of mobs”. Your coolness depends on the total number of strength of the character, his VIP status and the stars above his head. Well, in order to constantly win, you need to take care of accessories. As for social features, the developers promise guild raids and even weddings between players.

[Update] Game servers will be launched tomorrow. Today is a reboot, although some media personalities got access early.

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