The first teaser of the MMORPG Zenonia Chronobreak

MMO Culture has reported that publisher Com2uS has released the first teaser trailer for Zenonia Chrono break. The developers promise a free combat system, which was used in the RPG Zenonia. One of the advantages of the new MMO is cartoon rendering with a realistic background, plus a dynamic change of camera angle. Only in the trailer itself, the developers showed pixel characters, as if it were another F2P jRPG.

We expect Zenonia Chrono break to be released in South Korea as part of the PTA between April and June 2023. The emphasis in this game will be on collecting rare equipment and exploring large locations; the developers will add an open world in a medieval fantasy setting. Well, since this is a Korean MMORPG, we should expect a big emphasis on PvP and sieges.

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